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3rd men 2020/2021 (1st district class)

The 2018/19 season in the 1st district class was not what the boys of the 3rd team had imagined.
Many players in the team had to cancel due to exams or because of work, so that the preliminary round was concluded with only one win and one draw.
After several one-on-one discussions with the players, the team managed to put a much more constant squad on the plate in the second half of the season. Through this change, the team grew together much better and several games could be won, so that the fun factor in the team increased noticeably!
A big thank you goes to the 4th team, who, under the leadership of Ron Giera, helped the 3rd team out several times and thus contributed one or two wins.
After a summer break, the 3rd team will start preparing for the season in June and is hoping for a good 2019/20 season with the new coaching team Benjamin Jilge and André Leipholz. The goal of the 3rd team for the new season is primarily to create more consistency in the squad and land in the upper midfield.

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