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Mixed F1 youth team 2020/21 (match festivals) (Sythen)


Team 1


Team 2

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-07 at 20.52.33.jpeg

The F-youth in Sythen, with the coaching team Kerstin Kemper and Thorsten Möllers, starts the new season with 22 children born in 2010/2011.
Our season highlights include the game festivals, parents versus children training units and, at the end of the season, our overnight stay with the "big ones" in the Sythen community center.
When asked about our goals, we like to quote the children from our team: Jolina and Emilia would like to be able to play handball well, Henry would like to play in a team, Matti would like to score a lot of goals, Alex would like to play many different games during training and Judith likes the handball games at the end of the training session. Lennox thinks the game festivals are great and for Sarah and Jan handball is just great and good. And if everyone is healthy and happy through the season, wants to continue to train and play handball, then we coaches have also achieved our goals.


Wir sind die F2 aus Sythen. Unsere Trainingszeiten sind mittwochs von 17.15 bis 18.30Uhr  in der Turnhalle in Sythen. Ziel unseres Trainings ist es bei uns Mädchen und Jungen die Begeisterung für den Handballsport zu wecken. Wir erlernen motorische Grundlagen und entwickeln dadurch viel Freude am Spiel. In der Saison werden wir an Spielfesten teilnehmen und einige Freundschaftsspiele durchführen.

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